An Introduction To ANTIVID™
Antivid™ represents a paradigm shift in antiviral protection because of its bioavailability and non-toxic breakdown products, as well as its metabolites. Antivid™ does not seek to “train” or alter our immune system. Instead, it disassembles any novel coronavirus, thereby significantly strengthening the immune system.
Our nanoparticle is small enough to enter through the spike-glycoproteins on any novel coronavirus into the hydrophobic region where scaffolding chlorine ions reside. As Antivid™ enters the hydrophobic region of spike-glycoproteins, it pushes the chlorine ions out, destabilizing their structures. This results in the coiled coils of the spike-glycoproteins disassembling or losing their infective function, leading to a loss of ability of the virus to enter cell membranes. Antivid™ enters the hydrophobic region of the spike-glycoproteins because of its 0.9 nanometer diameter. In addition, Antivid™ can pass through the blood brain barrier to improve innate immunity against any novel coronavirus, even in the brain.
“I had covid in January and I continued to have long covid symptoms until May which is when I starting taking the anti covid… I was out of breath going upstairs, I was dizzy, lightheaded, terrible memory, some sense of loss of taste and smell… I took it for a few weeks and then I noticed that the symptoms were really all gone… that was the most amazing part for me”
“I got covid-19… high temerature, discomfort in the throat and severe weakness… I started taking Antivid… and by day 6, I was completely cured”.
“I got covid-19… I started taking Antivid and a weak after that I felt great!”
Nano Genesis Labs proudly presents Antivid™ oral solution. Designed to work as a reinforcement to the Antivid™ nano-aerosol inhaler.
There are two major reservoirs of the novel coronavirus in the human body. The first is in the lungs, the second is in the gut. If the infection is not cleared in the gut it can reinfect the lungs and vice versa. In the most severe cases, Antivid™ oral solution is effective as an additional reinforcement to protect from the novel coronavirus.
People who suffer from novel coronavirus for months (long-haulers) have seen significant improvement using Antivid oral solution.
Users report reduction of common symptoms generated from the novel coronavirus.
Recommended use: 0.25 ml of oral solution 2 to 3 times a day. Increase dosage depending on severity of symptoms.
World International Patents Pending
15ml – $349
Nano Genesis Labs proudly presents Antivid™, our first antiviral supplement capable of fighting novel coronavirus in the human body.
Antivid™ presents a paradigm shift in antiviral protection due to it being bioavailable, having non-toxic breakdown products and metabolites. Antivid™ does not seek to “train” or alter our immune system. Instead it disassembles the novel coronavirus, thereby significantly strengthening the immune system.
As the virus attacks the lungs, pulmonary surfactant (PUS) builds up eventually resulting in the lungs not being able to absorb oxygen, and the patient dies. The inhaler has been designed to dispense nano-aerosol to reach the smallest pockets of the lungs.
Users report reduction of common symptoms generated from the novel coronavirus.
Recommended use: Inhale for 3 seconds and hold in your lungs for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 3 to 4 times per day. Repeat depending on severity of symptoms.
World International Patents Pending
Cartridge + Battery – $249
Cartridge – $199